Category Archives: Latin America-Caribbean

Rio+20 Breaking News: ALBA expels USAID from member countries

Cross-posted from Wrong Kind of Green, June 22, 2012

Resolution from the Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) for the immediate withdrawal of USAID from member countries of the alliance.

On behalf of the Chancellors of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Federal Republic of Brazil, on June 21st 2012.

Given the open interference of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the internal politics of the ALBA countries, under the excuse of “planning and administering economic and humanitarian assistance for the whole world outside of the United States,” financing non-governmental organizations and actions and projects designed to destabilise the legitimate governments which do not share their common interests.

Knowing the evidence brought to light by the declassified documents of the North American State Department in which the financing of organisations and political parties in opposition to ALBA countries is made evident, in a clear and shameless interference in the internal political processes of each nation.
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Filed under Climate Change, Latin America-Caribbean, Political Repression, Rio+20

Three hundred people breach earthen dam, free Xingu River from Belo Monte mega-dam project

Cross-posted from Amazon Watch via Earth First Newswire

June 15, 2012, Belo Monte, Brazil. While the Brazilian Government prepares to host the Rio+20 United Nations Earth Summit, 3,000 kilometers north in the country’s Amazon region indigenous peoples, farmers, fisherfolk, activists and local residents affected by the construction of the massive Belo Monte Dam project began a symbolic peaceful occupation of the dam site to “free the Xingu River.”


In the early morning hours, three hundred women and children arrived in the hamlet of Belo Monte on the Transamazon Highway, and marched onto a temporary earthen dam recently built to impede the flow of the Xingu River. Using pick axes and shovels, local people who are being displaced by the project removed a strip of earthen dam to restore the Xingu’s natural flow.

Residents gathered in formation spelling out the words “Pare Belo Monte” meaning “Stop Belo Monte” to send a powerful message to the world prior to the gathering in Rio and demanding the cancellation of the $18 billion Belo Monte dam project (aerial photos of the human banner available upon request).
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Filed under Ending the Era of Extreme Energy, Energy, False Solutions to Climate Change, Latin America-Caribbean, Rio+20

Venezuelan Declaration Toward RIO + 20: Against the Green Economy

We, wrestlers and fighters for the defense of life, gathered in the third Venezuelan Congress of Biological Diversity, we discussed about the multiple dimensions related to the preservation of life by contributing to the deepening of the struggle of the social movements and the new institutions, thus promoting organizational link scenarios in the collective construction of environmental policies of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The rich debate that was generated during the third CVDB, among more than 3500 people, is a valuable input to strengthen the position of our country in the face of Rio +20, by contributing to the construction of another economy, based on respect for the nature and men and women, to eradicate all forms of poverty, domination and colonialism, which starts from this dialogue of knowledge and the collective construction of speeches, agendas for struggle and deconstruction of a system and logical thinkingexhausted, responsible for current global environmental crisis.

From our different ways of thinking and spirituality, nature is our natural heritage, the basis of diversity of knowledge, cultures, lifestyles and sovereignty of peoples. Nature is for us a source of food, water, building materials, inspiration and therefore can not conceive of a world based on its commercialization.

The pattern of life, capitalist production and consumption is based on maximizing profits, commodifying nature and human beings under a logic of progress and unlimited growth. This system has led to hunger, violence and misery, massacring and expelling people from their lands, Indians, farmers and seize their lands campesinasal, commons, germplasm, traditional knowledge and wisdom, among other things causing the disappearance of ancient cultures.This crisis has no solution within the framework of the structural problems generated by a model of civilization that has endangered the life on the planet, separating humans from nature, establishing a logic of domination over it that the destruction of haconducido thereof.

This view, which threatens life on earth, is maintained and reproduced through the adoption of a single mode of knowledge production, based on the idea of control, subjugation and exploitation of nature, which seeks to colonize other invisible and knowledge, rationalities, cultures and lifestyles.

Likewise, this model of civilization is maintained by a system of production and consumption of goods based on the logic of capital, which turns everything into merchandise interchangeably. The capitalist production model intended to replace the laws of nature by market rules.

This model, by separating humans from nature, away from us our livelihoods (water, land, food, construction materials, etc.), leaving us no choice but to sell our labor in the service reproductive system, commercializing men, women and children and on the other hand, transforms the land without people, goods, on private property.

Capitalism has planetary effects that generate global ecological imbalances. Global climate change leads that end, generated mostly by and for the development of a minority, but is experienced by all living things that inhabit the earth and more intensely for the poorest people.Climate change affects biodiversity, causing changes in the distribution of species in their migration patterns, growth and reproduction by increasing extinction rates.

The responsibility for this crisis is common, but differentiated, that is, not everyone shares the same responsibility. Being the highly industrializadoslos main causes of global environmental crisis. But even within the hegemonic countries are the main responsibilities of power elites, colonial and bourgeois, resources and economic power, military, industrial and political.

On the other hand, the global conservation mechanisms, rather than being part of the solution, they strengthen the problem by masking the reproductive system, but with a green facade.Thus the “sustainable development” and the protectionof the environment, peaked at the Rio conference in 1992 was an attempt to disguise the development we now know is globally viable.Today Rio +20 becomes a new attempt to relaunch the modelocapitalista exhausted, trying to transform the great global crisis A chance to market new scenarios. The proposed “green economy” are elintento to endure a failing system, deepening globalization mercantilizacióny of nature.


From the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela we are moving towards building a socialism to combat all forms of domination. We have made great progress in the fight to eradicate poverty, understood as the result of the historic exclusion of the majority (poor, women and gender diverse, indigenous, black, black and peasant farmers) as an inevitable consequence of the overwhelming passage dominant model of civilization, now in crisis. In this regard, we recognize the efforts undertaken to repay the historic debt with the excluded, now players in this process of transformation and collective construction of a more just and fraternal society.

This process of change, based on the active participation laid the foundations for collective management of the preservation of life, making us part of all subjects and ways of thinking and encouraging a dialogue of knowledge among the great diversity of actors, which leads to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the interaction. These benefits can not be understood as the distribution of goods and plunder the commodification of nature. But rather, on the basis of the rights of Mother Earth, ensuring a respectful and harmonious with nature, to be built on the basis of legitimate democratic decision making and active participation from the exchange of knowledge , rationalities and ways of life.

In terms of preservation of life, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela started the decade 2010-2020 a National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity and its Action Plan Nacional, built collectively, anticipating five years the goals of the Convention on Biological DiversityBiological United Nations. These instruments are our proposals in this decade and outlines approaches to the classics that were responsible to a great extent, the global failure of the target agreed in 2002: “to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss,global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty reduction and the benefit of all life forms on earth. “

Venezuela is prepared to overcome the global objectives in terms of reduction in loss rates on Biological Diversity, through goals, mechanisms and indicators designed from the national reality, contributing to significant contributions to the structural transformation and ensuring the sovereignty, “human development” and social inclusion.

From the standpoint of grand-national, Venezuela has promoted regional integration from the ALBA-TCP and CELAC, UNASUR, as mechanisms for the integration between sister.

We recognize our Bolivarian process as a transition, with the contradictions implicit in any change process. Thus, we identified the need to dismantle the structures of the bourgeois state to give input to other institutions that will lead to the formation of a new state, the communes, indigenous territories and new conservation areas inclusive departing from the collective management territories, are examples of other ways of relating among ourselves and with nature, from the self-recognition and respect for Mother Earth.

In short, our process of change in Venezuela and Nuestramerica, based on social justice, brotherhood and defense of the sovereignty of the people are fighting back against the prevailing world system. This fight needs to involve commodification and against the hegemony of knowledge, that is, anti-capitalist and anti-colonialist. That is why proposals to the commodification of life in Rio + 20, we declare our deepest rejection wing green economy.

We believe that the green economy is inseparable from the vision of commodification of nature and therefore incompatible with the view from our people and our struggles in defense of the diversity of life.
We denounce the attempt of the green economy as a response to the environmental crisis, but in reality the lever to the relaunching of the market mechanisms through the naturalization of the infamous law of supply and demand, confirming the structural causes major global environmental crisis.
We oppose the green economy as to its meaning and backgrounds, therefore we do not accept the guise of this concept with other names such as ecological economics and sustainable economy.
We do not believe in sustainable development.The sustainable development proposal fell short of expectations in the context of the Rio Summit in 1992. The course balance between economic, social and environmental served only as a platform for the justification of a development based on exploitation of nature and humans.Today we know that development is generally not feasible.
We believe that the vision of global sustainable development goes against the very idea of sustainability. We believe that beyond the sustainable development is necessary to question the neo-extractivism economy based on fossil fuels and their consumption patterns and industrial production, in addition to rethink the development from the self-recognition and self-determination of our happiness to collective happiness.
We denounce the attempt to boost the green economy in the context of sustainable development as a panacea for a new economic paradigm of capital for the “eradication of poverty, food security, universal access to modern energy services.”
We believe that the green economy deepens the structural causes of the global environmental crisis and therefore maintains the social and cultural burdens of the capitalist economy, maintaining the same poverty that puts the poorest in the vulnerability to situations ofdisaster. It is the responsibility of states to ensure access to housing for a dignified and secure life as a fundamental right and need real human beings, respecting the sovereignty and cultural diversity of peoples.
We are convinced that the real solution to stop the great environmental crisis is to change the system and not disguise this development model predator, colonialist and patriarchal.
We denounce the green economy breaks with the integration of regional economies, generating units to the world centers of high technology development in the area.
We reject the proposal to create an international platform that aims at facilitating or encouraging countries to design policies and implement green economy.
We reiterate that stimulate the economy from large markets, industries and corporations threatens the sustainable and save money on the sovereignty of peoples.
We reject the corporate pattern of production, distribution, and consumption of food waste based on the regime of agribusiness (factory farms, monoculture, GMO, nanotechnologies, pesticides, biofuels, artificial life, geo-piracy, etc.), which precludes sustainable production of healthy food and a threat to peasant agriculture, food security and sovereignty. This pattern is presented as a technological solution to hunger, without discussing the real causes of the crisis and its implications for global change.
We reaffirm the right to self-determination, nonintervention and respect for peace and diversity of life of peoples. Since we recognize the right of self-determination of peoples to decide their ways to achieve the supreme social happiness in harmony with nature and good living, without the imposition of forms of development and technology packages.
We recognize the need for unity of our people, through our own bridges and integration mechanisms that are not reflected in the large engineering works in the service of the union of the transnational monopolies and not the people and represent a serious attack against one of the most diverse regions of the planet.
We demand respect for the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities under the principle of precautelativo, the right to information, education and participation, the rights of indigenous and traditional peoples, peasants, the human rightwater, the rights of workers, migrants, the right to food, housing, the city, the rights of youth and women’s rights, the right to sexual and reproductive health cultural rights.
We demand respect for the diversity of life in all its forms, including multiple world views of our people.
We recognize the importance of knowledge and information (responsible, truthful) for making decisions from a holistic and collective management of our environmental policies and reaffirm the need for mechanisms and willingness to facilitate access to information on equal terms and with respect to the rights of the ancient cultures, including prior informed consent of our indigenous peoples.
We reject the interference in the sovereignty of the people through comprehensive training programs as a mechanism of domination, loss of sovereignty, detachment from reality, application of inappropriate methodologies.
We reject the imposition of technologies that create dependency, violating the traditional methods and threaten the diversity of life through programs based on the creation and strengthening of physical abilities.
We demand the strengthening of national, regional, local and community for the preservation of life, collectively built from the popular empowerment as a mechanism for the sovereignty of our lifestyles and shielded against the capitalist system in the green economy.
We recognize and we show the important role from grassroots organizing in communities, collective, commune, technical water tables, socially owned enterprises, student councils, conservation committees, meetings and other forms of knowledge organization, face the consequences of the implementation green economy in our markets and generate resistance and alternatives.
We warn that the imposition of globalized strategies carefully and compromises the future of life. The implementation agenda for the preservation of life must come from the actions and collective management of people in ensuring their own sovereignty and livelihoods.
States warn the world that the United Nations attempt to boost the green economy only ratifies the discrediting and disparagement of this international body to the peoples of the world.
We invite all people and organizations to close ranks against the green economy.
We accompany our delegations Venezuelan people’s power and communal executive, and other fraternal countries delegations to the Conference and the People’s Summit in Rio +20 in the difficult and urgent struggle just to oppose or refuse to represent the green economy and we are with them in this commitment not to violate the principles of nature and of our sovereign peoples in these multilateral institutions.


Filed under Green Economy, Latin America-Caribbean, Rio+20

Report from the International Joint People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice in Rio

For the unity and mobilization of the people in defense of life and the common good, social justice and environmental against the commodification of nature and “green economy”

Rio de Janeiro, May 12, 2012

A month before the UN Conference Rio +20, the world’s people do not see positive results of the negotiation process that is taking place in the lead up to the official conference. There is no discussion in the agreements reached in Rio+20 about how to change the causes of the crisis. The focus of the discussion is a package of proposals misleadingly called the “green economy” and the establishment of a new system of international environmental governance to facilitate it.

The real cause of the multiple structural crisis of capitalism, with its classical forms of domination, which concentrates wealth and produces social inequality, unemployment, violence against the people, and the criminalization of those who report it. The current system of consumption and production – maintained by large corporations, financial markets and governments – produces and deepens crises of global warming, hunger and malnutrition, loss of forests and biological and socio-cultural diversity, chemical pollution, water scarcity, increasing desertification of soils, acidification of the seas, land grabbing and the commodification of all aspects of life in cities and the countryside.

The “green economy”, contrary to what its name suggests, is another phase of capitalist accumulation. Nothing in the “green economy” questions the current economy based in the extractive and fossil fuels, nor the patterns of consumption and industrial production, but extends the economy into new areas, feeding the myth of that economic growth can be infinite.

The failed economic model, now dressed in green, aims to bring all life cycles of nature to the market rules and the domain of technology, privatization and commodification of nature and its functions, as well as traditional knowledge, increasing speculative financial markets through carbon markets for environmental services, biodiversity offsets and REDD + (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).

GMOs, agrochemicals, Terminator technology, biofuels, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, artificial life, geo-engineering and nuclear power, among others, are presented as “technological solutions” to the natural limits of the planet and the many crises, without addressing the real causes that provoke them.

The Green Economy also promotes the expansion of the agro-industrial food system, which is one of the biggest factors leading to climate change, environmental, economic and social crises; the speculation in food, and the promotion of the interests of agribusiness corporations at the expense of production local peasant family, indigenous peoples and traditional populations and affecting the health of entire populations.

As a trading strategy in the Rio +20 conference, some governments in rich countries are proposing a setback of 1992 Rio Principles, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the precautionary principle, the right to information and participation, and threatening already established rights, such as the rights of  indigenous and traditional peoples, peasants, the human right to water, the rights of workers, migrants, the right to food, housing, the rights of youth and women, the right to sexual and reproductive health, education and cultural rights.

They are also trying to install so-called Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) to be used to promote “green economy”, further weakening the already inadequate Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The official process aims to establish global environmental governance forms that serve as managers and facilitators of this “green economy”, giving prominence to the World Bank and other public or private financial institutions, international and national, which will provide a new cycle of indebtedness and structural adjustments dressed in green.

There can be no democratic global governance without ending the current corporate capture of the United Nations.

We reject this process and call for strengthening and building alternatives demonstrations around the world.

We fight for a radical change from the current model of production and consumption, solidifying our right to develop alternative models based on the multiple realities and experiences of the people that are genuinely democratic, respect human rights and are in harmony with nature and social and environmental justice.

We raise the assertion and collective construction of new paradigms based on food sovereignty, agro-ecology and the solidarity economy, the defense of life and the commons, the affirmation of all the threatened rights, the right to land and territory, the rights of nature and future generations, the elimination of all forms of colonialism and imperialism.

We call on people everywhere to support the Brazilian people’s struggle against the destruction of a major legal frameworks for the protection of forests (Forestry Code), which opens avenues for further deforestation in favor of the interests of agribusiness and enlargement of the monocultures, and against the implementation of mega hydro-electric dam–the Belo Monte, which is affecting the survival and livelihoods of forest peoples and the Amazonian biodiversity.

We reiterate the call to participate in the People’s Summit to be held from 15 to 23 June in Rio de Janeiro, which will be an important point in the trajectory of the global struggles for social and environmental justice that we are building since The first Rio Earth Summit in 1992, particularly building from Seattle, FSM, Cochabamba, where the struggles against the WTO and the FTAA were catapulted, for climate justice and against the G-20. Are also included mass mobilizations as Occupy, and Arab Spring.

We call for a global mobilization on 5 June (World Environment day), on June 18 against the G20 (which this time will focus on “green growth”) and the progress of the People’s Summit on 20 June in Rio de Janeiro and in the world, social and environmental justice, against the “green economy”, the commodification of life and nature and the defense of the commons and rights of peoples.


Group’s international joint People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice

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Filed under Actions / Protest, Climate Justice, Corporate Globalization, Genetic Engineering, Green Economy, Greenwashing, Indigenous Peoples, Latin America-Caribbean, Rio+20

Statement: The Peoples’ Summit of the Americas vs the UN Rio+20 Summit

Statement of Teotihuacan 2012

Cross-Posted from the Red Ecologista Autónoma de la Cuenca de México

lunes 7 de mayo de 2012

 The Peoples’ Summit, parallel to the United Nations Rio+20 Summit, 20 years after Rio92 – the so-called United Nations Earth Summit-, will take place in Rio de Janeiro from June 15 to 22, 2012.

Meeting in the Sun and the Moon pyramids; in the Teotihuacan great house, a group of Mexican activists from various social groups and organizations concerned with the contempt shown by modern industrial societies for Mother Earth, the ancient cultures and the vernacular world vision that integrate the human being with nature and the universe, we want to share our word with all peoples and nations of the world.

To make economic growth into a dogma provokes the accelerated destruction of the essentials for life on this Earth.

Perennial snows areas, ancient forests, animals, plants and landscapes that marvel us are quickly vanishing; the air that we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, grow worst everywhere. Seas, rivers, mangroves, jungles, lakes, coral reef are dying. Water tables, fishing areas, springs deplete seriously. Fields are being poisoned by industrialized agricultural & farm business, megaprojects and urban sprawl; cities are becoming hellish places due to automobile traffic and conglomeration. Like cancerous bodies, cities annihilate the countryside and seas situated many kilometers apart from them; they turn into the epicenter of all modern evils. Human conviviality is dying along with the soaring growth of all kind of violence: domestic or intra-family, at school, at work, among communities, states, nations, worldwide.

Horror, tragedy, dwells at almost every corner of the world, in the places where poor people live: all the people devalued in fact by the economy growth and techno-science: indigenous people, peasants, laborers. Violence against Earth’s gifts is identical to that exerted against the oppressed communities, peoples and nations. Environmental disasters go hand in hand with social catastrophes. Peoples’ minds are impoverished every day by the false values introduced since infancy, both by the State and the Market. Schools, television broadcasts and the daily indiscriminate consumption of technologies colonize minds and annihilate peoples’ will. Power, greed, individualism, excess, consumerism, competition, spectacle, speed, exploitation of the human being by the human being, have become supreme values throughout the world.

Banks, multinational corporations, governments, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations, the media, the schools, colleges and universities conspire in order to boost an economic growth which destroys at great speed Mother Earth’s gifts, the fabric of society and the vernacular cultures, and which benefits solely the 1% who control those businesses and institutions. Banks, markets and economic growth have become so sacred to governments, that they have no qualms about applying radical measures of violence against a society bothered and discontent with the universal catastrophe generated by the economic dogma, both through abusive political publicity saturating the media, and ever-increasing expenditure in the army, paramilitary and law-enforcement forces and in espionage on citizens. Economic growth devastates people’s wealth and results in the extinction of humanity.

Powerful governments, headed by the U.S.A., are preparing a big coup against the Environment and Mother Earth during the United Nations Rio+20 Summit.

In a desperate bid to solve the worldwide economic crisis, powerful governments, led by the United States, prepare a new strike against Mother Earth’s gifts and the Environment during the United Nations Rio+20 Summit, which they have had sequestered since many years ago. Together with Big Banks and multinational corporations, they want an ominous world policy on economics approved. Something like the so called sustainable development introduced in the Earth Summit, Río 1992 that has so gravely undermined Nature. They now have agreed to launch globally the Green Economy scheme presenting it as the major global solution to the environmental and social disasters that we are undergoing; as a perverted response to social demands in favor of a real clean environment and the preservation of Nature’s gifts. They want to open great business opportunities by applying false solutions to these predicaments, aiming, specifically at promoting and legitimating carbon markets, environmental services, biodiversity markets, REDD+ Programs, CDM, Clean Development Mechanisms, among other seedy “environmental” dealings which incorporate the true meaning of the term Green Economy.

The Mexican government, subdued to U.S government and the world’s financial centers rule, has delivered not only our oil, minerals, aquifers, soil and markets to the international pirates; it also participates in the conspiracy to impose the Green Economy.  It is concealing its support to such pirates and to this abominable policy under “a war on drug trafficking and organized crime” –which it neither wants to win nor is able to win- as well as under an extremely costly national media campaign.
The increasing convergence of governments with multinationals’ intentions worsens and deepens another process currently observed, which is the increasing loss of legitimacy or representativeness of both governments and political parties in most nations, who rather than consulting their peoples to resolve ecological, economic and social issues, devote their best efforts to defend the owners of economic power. Too many politics now turn into compulsive thieves, enemies of their peoples and obstacles to the comprehensive solutions to national and international problems.
During the last five years, Mexican government has waged a war against the poor and Mother Earth’s Gifts under the guise of “disciplined” finance and Macro Economy, war on drugs and programs of investments in infrastructure, development and poverty eradication. The outcome of this new war: 10 million people thrown to extreme poverty, thus joining the previous 20 million; 70,000 deaths and 20,000 “disappeared” persons as a result of violence carried to a horrid extreme, as well as a terrible ecological destruction resulting from the abusive extraction of oil, minerals, water and soil, the impacts of new infrastructure, the application of new technologies, and the production and distribution of psychotropic drugs.
The new technologies and megaprojects exacerbate social disruption and contamination, and annihilate the peoples’ natural and cultural treasures.
Techno-science, builds every day the social and ecological catastrophes of our time. Techno-science facilitates and allows the construction and operation of nuclear plants; oil extraction from deep waters, shale and tar sands; open-air extraction of minerals, using great amounts of water, dynamite and cyanide; transgenic crops of trees, corn, soya, cotton; huge cattle runs and breeding stalls; industrialized animal slaughter; the manufacture of weapons, faster motor vehicles, planes and trains; the highly polluting production of food, clothing, housing, buildings, equipment, and instruments harmful for human health; the construction of military bases, dams, water transfers, super highways, freeways, great bridges, ports, tunnels, channels, towers, airports, refineries, landfills, hazardous-waste landfills, tourist developments, industrial cities, and even university cities, hospital cities, entertainment towns, among other megaprojects that over the years imply a exorbitant social and ecological impact.
Driven by universities and scientific research centers, techno-science serves the population’s 1% interests. More than a third of the world’s scientists are engaged in research linked to military aims. The excess of power, loss of moral references, disproportionate greed and the most degrading addictions derange the controllers of Techno-Science. Finance’s cultural misery invades the scientific and technologic world and denigrates art and beauty around the world.
To de-grow serenely rather than de-grow painfully because of the new global policies to boost economic growth; There are efficient ways to face the System’s crisis.
Peoples have always counted with persons, groups and communities who abhor the destruction of forests, jungles, rivers, lakes, wetlands, seas, and the slaughter and debasement of animals, who detest dependency and a bad alienated life, waste and hubris, who oppose to war, oppression and inequality. In millenary cultures there still survive values, customs and techniques that resist the aggressions of the ideology of progress, modernity, development and economic growth. Ancient communities foster self-sufficiency and responsibility. The old age techniques to build roofs, floors, walls, cisterns, latrines, ceramics; to cultivate vegetables, to raise and handle animals, to limit hunt and fishing, to walk great distances and steep hills; for education and the good life, prove most effective in the defense of Nature and by the way, to healthier lifestyles . They promote peace and conviviality among peoples. In Mexico, the Zapatista movement of Chiapas peoples has given to the world one of the most important political initiative to confront cultural, economic and political disaster. Mesoamerican cultures’ vision constitutes a great spiritual wealth of our country given to the world.
For more than fifty years, thousands of groups and millions of persons around the world have studied and experimented with alternatives to industrial technology; they have created ecological techniques to cultivate vegetables and produce food, preserve water and other gifts of Mother Earth, handle residues, build homes, as well as develop health-care, enhance learning and organize ecological communities. These field trials based upon science, together with millenary cultures’ wisdoms, offer efficient ways to confront the present System crisis.
Frugal life, reciprocity, complementarities, solidarity, collaboration, respect towards Mother Earth, all these values that are so present in millennia-old cultures and in some social groups that have emerged during the last centuries, are crucial elements for the resistance to chaotic urbanization and extreme industrialization; to finance, air-conditioned automobiles, consumerism and to the USA lifestyles. Equally, efficient values are the raising of food for family and community consumption, art, festivities and rituals, which halt the spirit of hard competition, egoism, violence and war.
Solidarity networks, civil disobedience and occupation of streets and squares are resources that help curb the suffering and horrors produced by the inevitable economic degrowth that societies sentenced to grow will one near day experience; they are resources that allow to degrow in a serene manner and rescue the genuine good life that restores our relations with Mother Earth.
In the face of worldwide environmental and social catastrophe, we make the call to
-Initiate a process of de-colonization of the social imaginary aimed to eradicate the values imposed on the world by the State and the Market during the last five hundred years; to subvert and reorient the world’s westernization; at turning into heinous practices usury, private accumulation of goods and power, and the radical, irresponsible alteration of Nature. To decolonize the social imaginary, in order to foster a moral regeneration of our societies; to create a new ethics that will introduce in the laws guarantees of respect towards Mother Earth and of protection of society’s most helpless groups. Create a counter-culture that incorporates the best of the past and the present in order to fill with joy our lives and oppose it to the ecocidal, genocidal ideology that rules today’s world.
-Reconceptualize and restructure food production and other basic elements for human survival, including health care, learning and amenities; Regenerate our communities, neighborhoods, quarters, ejidos, towns and cities by means of ecological techniques and practices approved of by all neighbors.
-Strengthen or enhance the autonomy, self-sufficiency and self-management of communities, neighborhoods, quarters, ejidos, towns and borough confederations, and ecological micro-regions (micro-basins or micro watersheds), by means of permanent community assemblies in the public square.
-Set up the bases for a peaceful transition to a society with a low consumption of energy, water and other resources provided by Mother Earth, by means of regional meetings to engage in dialog and reflexive debate, as well as by means of studies and applied research decided by the community.
-Carry out actions in support of local resistances and the worldwide tidal wave of regional revolutions rising from harsh economic conditions imposed by decaying governments. Back the movements of those severely affected by the increasing disorder created by State and Market activities; participate in the Peoples’ summits organized by international networks on environmental and climate justice vis-à-vis official forums like Rio+20; provide support to the revolutions in  production/consumption techniques and practices; in the management of communities, boroughs and cities; accompany both social movements, and urban and peasant revolutions in each ecological or cultural region; endorse the resistance of indigenous populations, fishers, peasants, laborers, workers, migrants, women, unemployed youth, homeless families, landless peasants, and citizens dispossessed or with no degrees or professional qualifications.
-Relocate life and economy, by having most of the community consume what the ecological region produces and produce most what the eco-region consumes. Support the new artisans and the new peasants who adopt, and take advantage of the best from the past and of the present.

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Filed under Climate Change, Corporate Globalization, Green Economy, Greenwashing, Indigenous Peoples, Land Grabs, Latin America-Caribbean, Rio+20

Brazil: Eucalyptus developer begins final GE tree field trial

Note: The article below shows the key role that industry hopes GE trees will play in the development of extreme agrofuels (jet fuel, biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol, what have you), by manipulating the trees’ lignin and cellulose content.  They are trying to sell GE trees to the public as a solution to climate change, when GE trees will actually exacerbate climate change by accelerating the destruction of native forests globally to make room for new plantations of GE trees–which are invasive, flammable and extremely water-intensive.  Brazil and the US are considering commercial approval of these frankentrees, which is why mobilizing to stop this disaster before it is too late is so crucial.

GJEP and the STOP GE Trees Campaign will be in Brazil next month at the UN’s Rio+20 Earth Summit and the Alternative Peoples’ Forum to mobilize against the commercial approval of GE trees.

To learn more about the campaign to stop GE trees and what you can do, including signing the petition against GE trees and donating to the campaign, go to:

–The GJEP Team

By Luke Geiver | May 03, 2012

Cross-Posted from Biomass Magazine

  • FuturaGene, a genetic research and development firm focused on enhancing the eucalyptus tree, has been granted approval to begin a fourth field trial of its genetically modified eucalyptus tree in Brazil.

The Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio) granted the company approval for a fourth trial, and in the coming weeks FuturaGene will begin planting. The goal of the field trial, according to the company, is to evaluate plantation agronomic properties and the biosafety aspects of the plantation.

In order for a eucalyptus plantation consisting of genetically enhanced trees to qualify for the CTNBio’s regulatory dossier that allows market approval in Brazil, FuturaGene has to record and present data on the biosafety concerns of the tree. Starting in 2006, FuturaGene, which also has facilities in China and Israel, began a series of test plantations to acquire the necessary data. The first plantation was planted through a partnership between FuturaGene and Brazilian pulp and paper company Suzano, a partnership that resulted in Suzanao acquiring FuturaGene.

The modified eucalyptus tree developed by FuturaGene alters the structure of the plant cell wall. “The plant cell wall is a rigid barrier surrounding plant cell walls,” explained Stanley Hirsch, CEO of the company. “In order for the plant cell to elongate and divide, this wall must relax and then reform in an ordered manner. We effect changes in the plant cell wall which allow this process to occur more rapidly, thus releasing a rate limiting step on plant growth.”

Following the fourth field trial, FuturaGene hopes to deploy the use of the tree on a commercial scale. According to Hirsch, the company has deployment plans for Brazil. “Suzano owns eucalyptus plantations totalling almost 500,000 hectares (1.2 million acres),” he said, adding that FuturaGene has also formed relationships with other entities around the world to address the possibility of planting on more hectares.

The land characteristic requirement for the modified trees is identical to that of a non-modified version, Hirsch said. Certain versions of the tree can produce higher lignin yields, he also said. “But the major energy enhancement comes from producing more biomass per unit of land employed.

Along with private partnership work with Suzano and Bayer CropScience, FuturaGene has also partnered with several academic institutions in the U.S., including Oregon State University, Purdue University, and the University of Arizona. In China, the company has worked with Guangxi Academy of Sciences and the Research Institute of Forestry of the Chinese Academy of Forestry.

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Filed under Biodiversity, Climate Change, GE Trees, Genetic Engineering, Indigenous Peoples, Land Grabs, Latin America-Caribbean, Rio+20, Water

GJEP February Photo of the Month: Protests at the World Water Forum in Mexico City

Indigenous Peoples, women and campesinos march in protest of the corporate-controlled World Water Forum in Mexico City. (2006) Photo: Langelle/GJEP

March 8th, 2012 is International Women’s Day.  International Women’s Day has been observed since in the early 1900s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.

In 1908, Great unrest and critical debate was occurring amongst women. Women’s oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights.

The next year, the first National Woman’s Day (NWD) was observed across the US on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913.

In 1910 an International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. A woman named a Clara Zetkin proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day – a Women’s Day – to press for their demands. The conference, which included over 100 women from 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties, working women’s clubs, and the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament, greeted Zetkin’s suggestion with unanimous approval and thus International Women’s Day was the result.


The Sixth World Water Forum will take place in Marseilles, France from 12-17 March.  There will be a peoples’ Alternative Water Forum taking place at the same time.   The alternative forum is being organized by associations and movements, trade unions, NGOs, citizens and elected representatives from all over the world.

It will be a meeting place for all people who are fighting for water:

– against the appropriation of land and water,

– against the development of shale gas, which pollutes underground aquifers and rivers;

– against the privatization of water by multinationals around the world…

For more on the alternative water forum, click here

In 2010, GJEP Communications Director Jeff Conant won a Project Censored Award for his reporting from the World Water Forum in Istanbul, Turkey.  You can read his article below:

Activists Slam World Water Forum as a Corporate-Driven Fraud

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Filed under Actions / Protest, Climate Change, Corporate Globalization, Indigenous Peoples, Latin America-Caribbean, Photo Essays by Orin Langelle, Water

Earth Minute: Climate Chaos Impacts the Indigenous Tarahumara People of Mexico

Global Justice Ecology Project partners with Margaret Prescod’s Sojourner Truth show on KPFK–Pacifica Los Angeles radio show for a weekly Earth Minute on Tuesdays and a weekly 12 minute Environment Segment every Thursday.

This week’s Earth Minute discusses the impacts of the climate crisis on the Indigenous Tarahumara people of Mexico who are suffering from a food crisis brought on by both a record drought and a disastrous freeze.

To listen to this week’s earth minute click the link below and scroll to minute 57:48.

KPFK Sojourner Truth Show Tuesday, Jan 24, 2012

Text from this week’s Earth Minute:

The Indigenous Tarahumara People, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, are some of the latest victims of the climate crisis. Their crops have been destroyed by a combination of the worst drought in 70 years compounded by a record-breaking freeze.

The Tarahumara, known for extreme long-distance running in their mountainous homeland, have been an inspiring symbol of strength and self-reliance in Mexico.  The idea that these fierce people are now starving has mobilized a rapid relief effort in Mexico.

While some may think that the impacts of climate change are a problem of the future, more and more people are experiencing the impacts of extreme weather today–droughts, floods, out-of-season tornadoes, record warm spells and freezes, wildfires and severe storms.  And these impacts are only projected to get worse.

It is time we get serious about challenging the dependence on fossil fuels, industrial agriculture and over-consumption that are driving the climate crisis.  Systemic transformation is essential.   We cannot wait until it is too late.

For the Earth Minute and the Sojourner Truth show this is Anne Petermann from Global Justice Ecology Project.

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Filed under Climate Change, Earth Minute, Food Sovereignty, Indigenous Peoples, Latin America-Caribbean, Natural Disasters