Tag Archives: occupy oakland

Music Video: David Rovics – Song for John Brown

Note:  This is our third post in the spirit of Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement’s Western Fall by showing a music video a day until this weekend from the prolific songwriter and singer, David Rovics.

And since this is Veterans Day, please watch the ‘Song for Bradley Manning’  immediately following the ‘John Brown’ music video, especially in the light of the Occupy Burlington (Vermont) homeless military veteran who took his own life yesterday.  And Kayvan Sabehgi, the second Iraq war veteran hospitalized following involvement in Occupy Oakland protests. Another veteran, Scott Olsen, suffered a fractured skull also in Oakland.   How many veterans have committed suicide, hospitalized or are amongst the walking wounded?  No wonder there is talk of revolution in the air.

-Orin Langelle for the GJEP Team

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfYhMMY8Q4I&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljh5RRrPHsQ&w=560&h=315]

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Filed under Actions / Protest, Corporate Globalization


Video from Al Jazeera about the Oakland Occupation below

NOTE:  GJEP stands in solidarity with the Oakland General Strike.  Shut it Down. We will provide coverage today, including photos and commentary later in the day from GJEP’s Communication Director, Jeff Conant, who runs GJEP’s Oakland office.  Of course that depends on what occurs during the General Strike and Jeff’s access to upload to Climate Connections.  Last night GJEP’s Anne Petermann and Orin Langelle did a Non Violent Direct Action training for Occupy Burlington.  Occupy Burlington will have a march and rally today in solidarity with the Oakland General Strike.  It will be an interesting day. The video below is from Al Jazeera English:

Protesters in Oakland, California are planning to try and shut down the city’s port – the fifth-busiest shipping container port in the United States, in what they are calling a general strike on Wednesday.

The protesters are part of the ‘Occupy’ movement sweeping the world in which people are rallying to stop, amongst other things, corporate greed.

Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds reports from Oakland.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwAJOxcJ_CI&w=560&h=315]


Filed under Actions / Protest, Media

Urgent: Occupy Oakland Brutally Repressed – Please Take 1 Minute to Send a Letter to Mayor Quan – more photos added

Note: We just received an email from a friend asking to please sign a petition to Mayor Quan protesting the police violent raid of Occupy Oakland and subsequent attack of last nights protest.  We’re not too much on petitions, however this will send an email to Mayor Quan:


You can also call Mayor Quan at 510.238.3141 and express your outrage.  As of 10 am eastern time her voice message box was filled.  I was going to congratulate the Mayor for following in the footsteps of the late Mayor of Chicago, Richard J. Daley.  Daley’s police violent actions against people protesting the Viet Nam war during the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago helped turned an entire generation against the established order.  I watched on TV as the police brutally attacked demonstrators, turning the streets bloody.  “The whole world is watching!” chanted the people on the street. That changed my life.  Yesterday in Oakland chants rang out as some of those arrested were taken away: “Let them go! Arrest the CEOs!”  So hat’s off to Mayor Quan for helping turn another generation against the established order.

-Orin Langelle for GJEP

Please see: Riot Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters in Oakland, CA-Occupy Oakland- (Dramatic videos, photo & reportage)

Also from earlier yesterday:  Occupy Oakland Violently Evicted…for Now (article and photos)– Report and photos by Jeff Conant (GJEP’s Communications Director)

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Filed under Actions / Protest