Tell the US State Department: No Greed Economy at Rio+20!

 NOTE: We will be accompanying our friends at Grassroots Global Justice Alliance and other members of the Climate Justice Alignment, Global Forest Coalition, Climate Justice Now! and thousands of social movement groups to the Rio20 summit, and the Cupola dos Povos, in two weeks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

In advance of the summit, we raise our voices together with theirs to tell US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Rio+20 lead negotiator John Matuszak to reject the false solutions of the “Green Economy” and invest in solutions to the ecological and economic crises that put our communities to work, cool the planet, and transition environmental control back to local economies. — GJEP

Dear members, friends and allies of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ),

The global 1% is converging in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this June 20-22 at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to unveil their “Green Economy” strategy—but we know that just calling something “green” doesn’t mean it’s good for people or for the planet.  The “Rio+20” Conference is a key moment when world governments have an opportunity to either act to protect our future, or continue on the same failed strategies that are threating our future.

The US State Department needs to hear from you today!

The 99% are also mobilizing to Brazil this June.

Grassroots Global Justice and ally groups from the Climate Justice Alignment process will join thousands of people from social movements around the world converging in Rio from June 15-22 to hold a parallel People’s Summit and to demand an end to profit-driven dirty energy industries like oil drilling and pipelines, market-based strategies like carbon-trading and forest exploitation, and extreme energy like fossil fuels and incinerators.

The People’s Summit is calling for a June 5th week of action in defense of the environment & against transnational corporations, and a June 20th Global Action Day for social and environmental justice, against the commodification of life, and in defense of the commons.


Tell US Secretary of State Hillary Clintonand US Rio+20 lead negotiator John Matuszak to reject the false solutions of the “Green Economy” and invest in solutions to the ecological and economic crises that put our communities to work, cool the planet, and transition environmental control back to local economies.

While we are in Rio, we will call on the US government to take a stand against the worst tendencies of “Green Capitalism” and the “Greed Economy,” and instead invest in solutions to the ecological and economic crises that put our communities to work, cool the planet, and transition environmental control back to local economies.

On June 20th, GGJ delegates will be in the streets with our social movement allies La Vía Campesina, World March of Women, and other global movements, taking creative action to deliver these demands to John Matuszak and Hillary Clinton.

Help us reach 5,000 signatures!  Add your voice–sign the petition!

In the words of our allies in La Vía Campesina: “globalize the struggle, globalize hope!”

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