Tag Archives: David Rovics

Music Video: David Rovics – Song for John Brown

Note:  This is our third post in the spirit of Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement’s Western Fall by showing a music video a day until this weekend from the prolific songwriter and singer, David Rovics.

And since this is Veterans Day, please watch the ‘Song for Bradley Manning’  immediately following the ‘John Brown’ music video, especially in the light of the Occupy Burlington (Vermont) homeless military veteran who took his own life yesterday.  And Kayvan Sabehgi, the second Iraq war veteran hospitalized following involvement in Occupy Oakland protests. Another veteran, Scott Olsen, suffered a fractured skull also in Oakland.   How many veterans have committed suicide, hospitalized or are amongst the walking wounded?  No wonder there is talk of revolution in the air.

-Orin Langelle for the GJEP Team

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfYhMMY8Q4I&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljh5RRrPHsQ&w=560&h=315]

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Filed under Actions / Protest, Corporate Globalization

Music Videos from David Rovics for the Occupy Movement: Tunisia, Bradley Manning and John Brown

Note:  In the spirit of Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement’s Western Fall, we are going to show a music video a day until this weekend from the prolific songwriter and singer, David Rovics.  Rovics has been compared to the late Phil Ochs who attacked the establishment with his words and music.  Today’s video is about the beginning of the uprising in Tunisia.  Thursday and Friday we will post music videos about Bradley Manning and John Brown.  We hope you enjoy David’s music.  Some of us have known David for years.  In Rostock, Germany during the G8 in 2007, David, Morrigan Phillips and GJEP’s Orin Langelle were a three person affinity group during the first mass march.  We could say more, but we’ll leave it at that.  We hope you enjoy the videos and music of David Rovics today through Friday.

-The GJEP Team

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CrV8IUBX54&w=560&h=315]

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Filed under Corporate Globalization