Author Archives: GJEP

Climate Connections Update

As mentioned in the previous post, Global Justice Ecology Project has decided to shift our energies from Climate Connections to providing news and information through our website and social media platforms. We encourage you to

However, you can still access archived articles on Climate Connections by scrolling below or using the search field.

Below please find an informal list of sources (let us know what we missed!) that have been important to Climate Connections over the years. We only include media sources — it would be too much to list all of the organizations we also follow on social media! We will continue to post on our social media any alerts from those movement sources.  Thanks for your patience in our evolution.


Indigenous Environmental Network

ClimateProgress, by ThinkProgress

Common Dreams



Earth First! Newswire

The Ecologist


Environmental Health News


Indian Country Today Media Network

Inter Press Service

InterContinental Cry

Mongabay Environmental News


Popular Resistance

REDD Monitor


Toward Freedom

Upside Down World

Waging NonViolence

WW4 Report

Z Commentaries

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CIC’s environmental and social justice photography contest open for entries

Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 1.49.28 PM

Attention photographers! The Critical Information Collective (CIC) has just announced it’s first annual environmental and social justice photography contest will be accepting entires until 28 February 2015. The categories include: Buen Vivir (life in harmony), Our Changing Climate, Hungry for Change (food sovereignty) and Energy Justice for All. The competition asks for a small entry donation, which will be applied to CIC’s basic operating costs throughout the year.

Photography is one of the most effective ways to raise awareness about social and ecological injustice in the world.

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Filed under Climate Change, Events, Food Sovereignty

FBI Harassing Activists in Pacific Northwest

Alex Reid Ross over a Bark wrote this excellent article, originally posted on Defending Dissent, detailing the recent harassment of environmental activists in the Pacific Northwest. Clearly, this increased harassment comes because the stakes are so high for everyone and because groups like Rising Tide are doing such amazing work. The last paragraph definitely gets at that idea:

“My [attorney] was not able to find out what or why they were bothering my sweet folks, but I will tell you why,” one activist whose parents were visited wrote. “Its [sic] because Portland Rising Tide is outreaching, training, and organizing hundreds of Pacific NWers of all age groups to engage in a level of civil disobedience not seen in decades. We are going to do it to save our neighborhoods, our communities, our salmon, and our climate. And that scares the shit out of the powers that be.”

Ross does a great job working through individual stories that show the effects of harassment on people’s lives, and also provides the larger context of the movement as it continues to evolve.



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Filed under Political Repression, Tar Sands

Update: Charges Dropped for 64 Arrested at VT Governor’s Office Sit-In

(Montpelier, Vt.) – Vermont State Police today announced that all charges have been dropped against the 64 Vermonters who occupied Governor Peter Shumlin’s office on October 27, to demand an end to the fracked gas pipeline and a ban on fossil fuel infrastructure.

The Governor was the focus of the sit-in due to his continued support of the pipeline, which would transport dirty, climate-disrupting fracked gas from Alberta Canada through Addison County, underneath Lake Champlain to the International Paper mill in Ticonderoga, Ny., and eventually to Rutland.

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Filed under Ending the Era of Extreme Energy, Fossil Fuel Infrastructure, Frontline Communities, Pipeline, Victory!

Dr. Martha Crouch: Wild, free, and genetically engineered? Not so fast.

Photo: Langelle/

Photo: Langelle/

On November 14th, published a response by Dr. Martha Crouch to a story they ran about SUNY ESF’s work on genetically engineered chestnut trees. Her response led to a very active conversation online. Here we’re publishing the full response, which was slightly cut and edited by, the online source of the Syracuse Post-Standard.

Imagine this headline: “Bald eagles genetically engineered with pigeon genes to withstand toxic pesticides ready for release back into wild, say researchers.” Or, “Scientists genetically engineer endangered Florida panthers with synthetic DNA to resist deadly virus.”

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Filed under GE Trees, Genetic Engineering

Report from Huexca, Mexico: The fight against a transnational natural gas mega-project

In the states of Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala, a massive natural gas project is underway, complete with two plants and a pipeline. The project – The Morelos Integral Project, or PIM – is a transnational venture, of course, with heavy investment from the Mexican government. The people of Huexca, a central town for the project, are waging a fierce struggle against the project.

In 2012, the women of Huexca, for example, organized a blockade of the plant’s construction.

The women maintained this presence throughout the summer of 2012, halting construction on the plant. “We were there 24 hours. We gave everyone breakfast and lunch each day. There were just two of us cooking. And yes, again it was the women,” observes Sonia.

Martha Pskowski is a writer and researcher based in Mexico City. She is a member of the CIP Americas Program team at Octavio Morales is a Mexico-based writer. Here’s their report.

In the land of Zapata, a community fights natural gas development
By Martha Pskowski and Octavio Morales, Americas Program. 15 November 2014

General Emiliano Zapata would roll over in his grave. The Morelos Integral Project, or PIM for its initials in Spanish, is a 160-kilometer natural gas pipeline and two thermo-electric plants in the heart of Mexico’s fertile central valleys, and in the shadow of an active volcano, Popocatépetl. The PIM, a partnership between the federal electricity agency, CFE, and Spanish and Italian energy companies, has been pushed through without community consent on the lands of 60 campesino and indigenous communities in the states of Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala.

Read the whole article on the CIP Americas Program website.


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Filed under Corporate Globalization, Ending the Era of Extreme Energy, Energy, Pipeline

Earth Watch: Adam Briggle of Frack Free Denton

On November 13th, Adam Briggle of Frack Free Denton spoke to Margaret Prescod for Sojourner Truth’s Earth Watch.

On election day, Denton passed a fracking ban, making it the first in Texas to ban further hydraulic fracturing. Only days later, they received push back. Denton is preparing for an extended court battle  — a fight that cities nationwide considering similar laws will likely be watching closely.

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Filed under Earth Radio, Earth Watch, Fracking, Victory!

Papua-Wide meeting calls for 10 year Moratorium on Plantation and Forestry Industries

The below press release and letter was originally posted 12 November 2014 by awasMIFEE!, a group of independent activists in the UK in solidarity with the people of the Merauke and elsewhere in West Papua threatened by the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) mega-project for the pulp and oil palm industries.

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Filed under Indigenous Peoples, Land Grabs, Palm Oil, Tree Plantations