Tag Archives: Tar Sands

BP executives brace for a stormy meeting with shareholders

Note: Check back in with Climate Connections later today to listen to Suzanne Dhaliwal, co-founder of the UK Tar Sands Network, speak on KPFK Radio’s Sojourner Truth program about today’s protests.

–The GJEP Team


Cross-posted from the Independent

Scores of people plan to protest today at the oil firm’s AGM

The Deepwater Horizon oil rig burning after last year's explosion in the Gulf of Mexico

By Michael McCarthy, Tom Peck and Sarah Morrison

Annual general meetings are sometimes stormy affairs, but the tempest swirling around the London AGM of the oil giant BP this morning looks unprecedented.

At least half a dozen vociferous and angry groups are set to lay siege to the British Petroleum board and its American chief executive, Bob Dudley, when they go through the annual ritual of facing their shareholders at the Excel convention centre in London’s Docklands.

Fishermen and women from the Gulf Coast in the United States who were hit by the oil spill that followed the explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig will be joined in protests at the meeting by indigenous communities who are angry about the company’s involvement in tar sands extraction in Canada.

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