Tag Archives: e-petition

Rio+20 Action Alert: “The future we don’t want” e-petition

Today ANPED, the Northern Alliance for Sustainability, with the support of other civil society organizations active in the Rio+20 negotiations, has launched “THE FUTURE WE DONT WANT” e-petition campaign, and they are asking people to sign and share it with others.

The petition was written as “a response to the new negotiating text [for the Rio +20 agreement] presented today by the Brazilian government, and tomorrow we will bring this to the attention of European Commission delegates and the press.  The text does not make a single mention of environmental justice, Principle 10 or a high-level representative for  the future. While efficiency is quoted 14 times and economic growth 20 times, there is not a single quote on sufficiency, planetary boundaries or limits. That does not reflect what the people want.”

This petition urges the Government of Brazil, the UN Sustainable Development Conference Secretary General and all Member States to stop negotiating their short-term national agendas and to urgently agree now on transitional actions for global sustainable progress.

The organizers urge their fellow citizens, the 99% of the world, to stand up for the future we really want, and not this one imposed by a few: the 1% negotiators and their elite constituencies — so that the voices of the majority finally shape the future.


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Filed under Actions / Protest, Ending the Era of Extreme Energy, Rio+20