Tag Archives: radiation

KPFK Sojourner Truth Earth Segment: Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor on secret Cold War chemical tests in St. Louis

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Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor, Sociology Professor at St. Louis Community College in St. Louis, Missouri, discusses recently obtained documents exposing secret Cold War-era chemical studies conducted on poor, minority neighborhoods in St. Louis and their connections with the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project.
Global Justice Ecology Project teams up with KPFK’s Sojourner Truth show for weekly Earth Minutes every Tuesday and Earth Segment interviews every Thursday.

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Filed under Independent Media, Pollution

Earth Minute on KPFK Radio’s Sojourner Truth Show

Listen to this week’s Earth Minute with Anne Petermann, Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project, which focuses on the nuclear nightmare in Japan as a potentially worse catastrophe than Chernobyl.

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