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Anne Petermann, Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project on Democracy Now!- Is REDD the New Green? Indigenous Groups Resist Market-Based Forestry Scheme to Offset Emissions

Cross-posted from Democracy Now!


A controversial proposal to protect forests worldwide is on the table at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Cancún. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), would include forests in the emerging carbon markets, allowing governments and corporations to purchase permits to protect forests as a way to offset the carbon released into the atmosphere through its industrial pollution. Though often reported as a means to stop deforestation, there is widespread opposition to REDD from environmental and indigenous groups. We speak to Anne Petermann of the Global Justice Ecology Project.

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Filed under Biodiversity, Carbon Trading, Climate Justice, Independent Media, Media, Posts from Anne Petermann, REDD

New Report Exposes UN REDD Program as Fundamentally Flawed

From Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project, World Rainforest Movement,  ETC Group and Carbon Trade Watch


New Report Exposes UN REDD Program as Fundamentally Flawed

Indigenous and NGO Groups Warn that REDD and other carbon market mechanisms will exacerbate the climate crisis.

*** Download report: http://bit.ly/hmNq0p – Available both in English and Spanish ***

New publication exposes links between REDD and carbon trading, International Financial Institutions, extractive industries, GMO trees and biotech.

Cancún, Mexico, December 6 2010Indigenous Peoples, grassroots groups and environmental organizations warn that the UN forest protection scheme being negotiated in Cancún amid the UN 16th Conference of the Parties may severely undermine climate mitigation policies and exacerbate environmental and social problems. “No REDD, a Reader” includes groundbreaking research exposing links between REDD and carbon trading, International Financial Institutions, extractive industries, GMO trees and biotech. Moreover, original case study research explores problems with the Socio Bosque Programme in Ecuador; the threat to Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation in Perú; corruption and coercion in the REDD scheme in Papua New Guinea; and the real face of “community participation” in Indonesia, among others. The publication highlights how REDD is being pushed by powerful interests to allow continued pollution and increase profits for a series of industries while damaging the rights of Indigenous Peoples and forest-dependant communities and thus, the forests and ecosystems themselves.

“No REDD – A Reader is a must read for all who seek to know the truth about this mercantilist tool. It is also highly recommended for those who believe that policies to fight the current climate chaos must see the people and Mother Earth and not merely see trees as commodities for cash and carbon speculation,” Nnimmo Bassey, Chair of Friends of the Earth International and Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria.

“We already know that offset schemes like REDD won’t protect forests or the rights of Indigenous peoples. If we are going to save the climate, we need to focus on real solutions that assure that forests will be left standing and people’s rights are respected,” stated Tom Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network.

No REDD, a Reader exposes how Indigenous and forest-dependent Peoples are being cheated in the name of conservation and development. From the vantage point of communities living where REDD projects are taking place, the Reader dives into the layers of contradictions inherent in REDD and its power-base.

Joanna Cabello from Carbon Trade Watch states, “The Ministry of Environment in Peru plans to implement REDD+ on 54 million hectares of the Peruvian Amazon, which would open the doors of more than half of forested territory to the carbon markets.” Chris Lang from REDD Monitor affirmed, “What we do know is that carbon trading in PNG [Papua New Guinea] is a mess. It’s doing nothing to stop the logging of PNG’s forests. And local people are at the back of a very long queue when it comes to benefiting from REDD.”

The groundbreaking new publication, No REDD, A Reader depicts why REDD is flawed, bankrolled by big polluters, intrinsically linked to the carbon market and may result in the largest land grab of all time. This publication is being launched at the Cancún climate summit where a package of market-based forest protections measures called “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation” (REDD) is being pushed as a key outcome, highlighting critical perspectives that are frequently silenced within debates.

Please contact for interviews:

Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network: +52.998.108.0751

Anne Petermann, Global Justice Ecology Project: +52.998.167.8131

Ana Filippini, World Rainforest Movement: +59.898.407.572

Silvia Ribera, ETC Group: +52.552.653.3330

Tamra Gilbertson, Carbon Trade Watch: +34 625 498 083

Joanna Cabello, Carbon Trade Watch: +31681289805

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Filed under Carbon Trading, Indigenous Peoples, Media, REDD

New Podcast with Jihan Gearon

KPFK Los Angeles, in partnership with Global Justice Ecology Project, is recording LIVE Tuesday-Friday 9am CST from the UNFCCC COP-16 in Cancun, Mexico. Today’s interview features Jihan Gearon who is the lead Energy and Climate Organizer for Indigenous Environmental Network. Jihan is Diné (Navajo) and African American. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Earth Systems from Stanford University with a focus in Energy Science and Technology. Jihan works to build the capacity of communities impacted by energy development and climate change. Jihan is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative and the Coordinating Committee of the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance.

Click here to listen to the Podcast

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Filed under Independent Media, Indigenous Peoples