Tag Archives: china

Harper’s cabinet mulls massive Chinese resource project in Arctic

Note: Chinese investment in Canadian mega-projects is nothing new.  Plan Nord, an $80 billion mining, logging and hydroelectricity project in northern Quebec will rely heavily on Chinese and other foreign investment.  As reported by GJEP and Rising Tide Vermont this past July, during the 36th Annual Conference of New England Governor’s and Eastern Canada Premiers, indigenous Innu and Abenaki representatives were denied access to the conference at the same time Chinese investors were meeting inside with the governors and premiers.  In Canada-and the US-money speaks louder than rights.

-The GJEP Team

By Bob Weber, December 30, 2012.  Source: The Tyee

Some time in the new year, four federal ministers are to decide how to conduct an environmental review for the Izok Corridor proposal. It could bring many billions of dollars into the Arctic but would also see development of open-pit mines, roads, ports and other facilities in the centre of calving grounds for the fragile Bathurst caribou herd.

“This is going to be the biggest issue,” said Sally Fox, a spokeswoman for proponent MMG Minerals, a subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned Minmetals Resources Ltd.

It would be hard to exaggerate the proposal’s scope. Centred at Izok Lake, about 260 kilometres southeast of Kugluktuk, the project would stretch throughout a vast swath of western Nunavut.

Izok Lake would have five separate underground and open-pit mines producing lead, zinc and copper. Another site at High Lake, 300 kilometres to the northeast, would have another three mines.

MMG also wants a processing plant that could handle 6,000 tonnes of ore a day, tank farms for 35 million litres of diesel, two permanent camps totalling 1,000 beds, airstrips and a 350-kilometre all-weather road with 70 bridges that would stretch from Izok Lake to Grays Bay on the central Arctic coast.
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Filed under Corporate Globalization, Indigenous Peoples, Land Grabs, Mining, Oceans

Audio: This week’s Earth Minute–China seeks to remove Nomad People from their land

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Global Justice Ecology Project teams up with KPFK Pacifica’s Sojourner Truth show for weekly Earth Minutes which are written and recorded by GJEP Executive Director Anne Petermann and air every Tuesday.

This week’s Earth Minute discusses a plan by the Chinese government to remove over one million nomad people from nearly one billion acres of land in order to free up the land for development.

The text from this week’s Earth Minute:

China’s government recently announced a new plan to “resettle” Inner Mongolia’s last remaining nomad populations by 2015. This would free up nearly a billion acres of grassland in China for development projects, including highways, rail lines, mines and power plants.

Traditional Mongol herders are protesting this plan that would resettle over one million people, and accuse authorities of illegally taking away their grazing lands and extinguishing their traditional culture. China’s actions violate their rights under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

In early June, thugs hired by land-grabbers clashed with traditional herders who were tending livestock on some of their last grazing lands. Many herders were beaten and two women were hospitalized with serious injuries.

China’s Five-Year settlement plan not only impacts Mongolia’s nomads, but would also affect remaining nomadic populations in Tibet.

Land grabs such as these are increasing globally as countries and companies covet the territories of Indigenous and rural peoples for land-intensive projects such as biofuel plantations and hydroelectric dams.

For the Earth Minute and the Sojourner Truth show, this is Anne Petermann of Global Justice Ecology Project.

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Filed under Climate Change, Energy, Indigenous Peoples, Land Grabs