On September 24, Climate Connections was the first media source to break the news nationally and internationally about the US military cover-up of secret testing on people in St. Louis. MO during the Cold War: primarily on poor black people. Prior to that, several outlets in St. Louis were covering the newly unfolding story. St. Louis’ KSDK TV (a NBC affiliate) is to be commended for their aggressive covering of the story and for standing up to the US military. As the story was breaking, GJEP worked with Sam Husseini from the Institute for Public Accuracy on a press release that sent the story around the world. We also worked with Margaret Prescod from KFPK’s Sojourner Truth show in Los Angeles.
Late last week, Missouri Senators and a congressman from the tested area called for an investigation of what happened. Now the Associated Press has sent a piece over the wire, and the racist act perpetrated by the US government is being even more widely exposed, as evidenced by the ABC national news article below.
We congratulate sociologist Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor, the researcher who uncovered the secret testing and made the issue known.
Immediately following the AP-ABC article below is a twitter page from three time-Emmy Award winning former correspondent for CNN, Amber Lyon praising Dr. Martino-Taylor and warning about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). If you haven’t heard of it, we encourage you to find out more about this threat.
Victims of this secret testing have begun speaking out about what happened to their families and themselves during the US military secret experiments in St. Louis. MO. We wish them all the best.
–The GJEP Team
Secret Cold War Tests in St. Louis Raise Concerns Source ABC News
Amber Lyon
Lisa Martino-Taylor is a #HERO. She made it ‘her life’s work’ to expose the Army’s secret gas tests on poor, minorities in St. Louis.
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