Tag Archives: cop15

Court Clears Two COP15 Activists

Australian Natacha Verco relieved after being cleared. - Photo: JENS DRESLING

Cross posted from the Politiken

An American and an Australian activist have been cleared of planning
violent demos at COP15.

Danish prosecutors have suffered a serious defeat in the wake of the
COP15 Climate Summit in Copenhagen last December after a court has
cleared an Australian and an American activist of planning violent
demonstrations during the summit.

The Copenhagen Municipal Court judge found that prosecution evidence was
not strong enough to warrant the accusations and set the two free to the
general applause of some 30 supporters.

The charges against the two, a 27-year-old American man and a
34-year-old Australian woman, included planning several violent
demonstrations against, among others, the Danish confederation of
industries DI, Dansk Energi, Shell, Maersk and Forum.

The two, who have previously been in custody for three weeks, have
consistently denied all charges.

According to the charges the two had planned their violent
demonstrations but were prevented from carrying them out when police
detained them in mid-December, before the COP15 summit reached its climax.

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