Climate: UN “Worse Than Useless” — Activists Take to Wall Street

MSNBC reports: “After historic climate march, supporters flood to Wall Street.” There is reportedly a massive police presence in downtown Manhattan, including Battery Park, where activists are now gathering. Zuccotti Park, where Occupy Wall Street protests began, has been sealed off.


An organizer with #FloodWallStreet, Premo is quoted by MSNBC: “Runaway climate change and extreme weather events, such as the extreme flooding that we saw here in New York City with Hurricane Sandy, are fueled by the fossil fuel industry. We are flooding Wall Street because we know that there’s no greater cause of runaway climate change than an economic system that puts profit before people – and before the planet.”

Zeese is an organizer of He recently appeared on The Real News on the climate protests.

Executive director of the Global Justice Ecology Project, which just released the report “Green Shock Doctrine” and runs the blog, Peterman said today: “Yesterday’s march brought together a diverse mix of constituencies from anti-capitalists to Indigenous Peoples to representatives from communities impacted by climate change both in the U.S. and around the world. Each had their own set of demands, but the overarching theme was the need to build power from the grassroots and stop relying on governments and the UN to do this for us. Today hundreds to possibly a few thousand of these folks will be taking part in the Flood Wall Street direct action to bring attention to the real culprits of climate change, and to expose the corporate capture of the UN.”Peterman recently wrote the piece: “Confronting Climate Catastrophe: Direct Action is the Antidote for Despair: Or, Why the UN is Worse than Useless and we need to Flood Wall Street!

Currently in New York City, Lauron and Quintos are with the Peoples’ Movement on Climate Change. See their most recent statement: “400,000-strong People’s Climate March on eve of summit.”Quintos notes that the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. He also states that it’s one of the most dangerous places for human rights defenders. He notes that the U.S. military tried to use typhoon Haiyan to re-establish U.S. military bases in the Philippines.


For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

And here’s video:

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